SLS Signs MOU with COGOP Bolivia

by cogopamd
On March 25, Spirit & Life Seminary (SLS) and the Church of God of Prophecy Bolivia National Office signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to provide the Certificate in Ministry & Theological Studies program to church members in Bolivia via the establishment of a national cohort. The cohort is scheduled to begin in Fall of 2022.
Bishop David Esteban Orozco, the overseer of Bolivia, stated that “El 25 de marzo de 2022 es un día muy significativo para la iglesia en Bolivia, debido al convenio firmado entre el Seminario Espiritu y Vida y el Seminario de Estudios Teológicos Bolivia, cuyo propósito será elevar el conocimiento de Dios de todo el ministerio pastoral, fortaleciendo la educación teológica del liderazgo emergente y la juventud de Bolivia.”
Dr. Hernández, the president of SLS, believes the SLS Bolivia cohort has the potential to shape the lives and ministry of the future leaders of the church in Bolivia. He stated: “Bishop Orozco and the national leadership of Bolivia have expressed a thirst for theological education that will further cement their pastor’s and leader’s roots in Wesleyan Pentecostal theology and formation. Spirit and Life Seminary is privileged to have the opportunity to serve our pastors and leaders in Bolivia. We hope that by participating in the Certificate in the Ministry and Theological Studies program, Bolivian students will develop the foundational theology and skills needed to effectively serve a new generation of Church of God of Prophecy members. SLS is glad to partner with Bishop Orozco and the Bolivia National leadership to see their vision come to pass and witness the bearing of fruit that we eagerly expect will be evident in future generations of leaders in Bolivia!”.
The Executive Director of Leadership Development and Discipleship- Rev. Kathy Creasy also expressed appreciation that the leader of the Church of God of Prophecy in Bolivia, national overseer Bishop David Orozco, and our South American presbyter, Bishop Gabriel Vidal, have recognized the need for pastors and ministry leaders in Bolivia to receive quality ministerial and theological training through Spirit & Life Seminary. “We anticipate that this opportunity for ministerial and theological training will better equip Bolivia’s pastors and ministry leaders to serve their congregations and communities with Spirit-led insight and relevance. Also, we look forward to the memorandum of understanding not only opening the door for our Bolivian ministers to receive quality seminary education, but also opening the door for similar partnerships with our national ministries throughout South America.”
The Presbyter of South America Dr. Gabriel Vidal stated that “Our Bolivian church has just taken a big step towards formal theological education. In times like these, we need to prepare ourselves better to overcome future challenges. Therefore, I congratulate the leadership of Bolivia for the decision to be part of our Spirit & Life Seminary. I am sure it will transform the lives and ministry of our people.”
Signing for the COGOP Bolivia office are Bishop David Esteban Orozco and Presbyter of South America Dr. Gabriel Vidal. Signing for SLS are Dr. Michael Hernández, President of SLS, and Rev. Kathy Creasy, The Executive Director of Leadership Development and Discipleship. SLS is delighted for the opportunity to engage with the COGOP Bolivia National Office.
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