AMD Announces Billy D. Murray Harvest Scholarship

by cogopamd
Accredited Ministry Development of the Church of God of Prophecy announced on Tuesday the creation of the Billy D. Murray Harvest Scholarship. This new academic scholarship of $4000.00 will be awarded annually to a ministerial student who is enrolled with one of the church’s academic affiliates and is interested in or has served in outreach or evangelism efforts.
Bishop Billy D. Murray served as the third general overseer of the Church of God of Prophecy from 1990-2000. Under his leadership, the church’s membership more than doubled as the call to reach the harvest became the Church’s primary focus and the primacy of the local church was restored. Additionally, younger leadership came to the helm at the international level and the legacy of women in ministry was enhanced.
“Bishop Murray’s historic Turning to the Harvest annual address in 1994 shifted the paradigm of our movement and accelerated our efforts to take the Gospel into all the world,” said Shaun McKinley, director of Accredited Ministry Development. “For many leaders in the Church of God of Prophecy, Bishop Murray’s legacy is synonymous with the urgent call to reach the harvest. I cannot think of a greater legacy for any minister and AMD is honored to offer this annual scholarship to a deserving minister continuing to propel the Gospel in their community or around the world.”
Applications for the Billy D. Murray Harvest Scholarship are now being accepted through May 1, 2017. Applicants must be a member of the Church of God of Prophecy who are currently involved or desire to prepare for full-time Christian ministry in the Church of God of Prophecy. The applicant should hold ministerial credentials with the Church, be in the process of securing such credentials, or commit to begin the process during that term. Following successful submission of the application, additional information will be requested verifying participation in outreach and evangelism efforts.
To learn more about the legacy of Bishop Billy D. Murray, to donate to this fund, or to apply for this scholarship, please visit
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