Recipient of John Newson Pastoral Scholarship

Recipient of John Newson Pastoral Scholarship

Accredited Ministry Development is pleased to announce that Benjamin Botkin is the recipient of the John Newson Pastoral Scholarship.  Benjamin was born on June 23, 1978, in Peoria, Illinois to Christian parents. He was raised in a non-denominational Pentecostal church. At the age of 40 he and  his wife Tersa moved to Salem, Oregon where they started to attend Salem Faith Tabernacle, a Church of God of Prophecy congregation. They became active as members and Benjamin became a lay minister in 2019, having felt called to continue ministry work.

Benjamin stated: “As my ministry and journey continues, I remain open to what the Lord has in store for me in the future.” His hope is to eventually serve in a pastoral leadership role in a church with a focus on urban ministry and outreach. He believes that the Lord brought him to the Church of God of Prophecy at the right moment in his life. He recognizes the need to develop academically and spiritually as a leader within his church. In 2020, he enrolled in the Master of Arts in Church Ministries program at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

Benjamin voices his appreciation to all those that donated the funds for this scholarship

Dear Supporter,

 Thank you very much for assisting my studies with the scholarship. It’s a blessing that will enable me to progress on with my studies and finish the requirements of my master’s degree sooner. 


I am currently a bivocational lay minister in my church in Salem, Oregon and lead a young adult group with my wife, Tersa. I am preparing for pastoral ministry with a focus on urban ministry and outreach in a multicultural setting. We serve in Salem, Oregon, a diverse area near Portland. 

 Thank you again and blessings to you.


AMD is appreciative for all the donations received to support students. Without your gifts, we would not be able to provide quality educational opportunities that are affordable to our members. Thank you!

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